The vision therapy at Northampton Vision Specialists has helped my son read faster and not struggle so much. He is now a happy young man attending college.
Vision therapy has been proven effective for both children and adults with visual problems such as:
Convergence Insufficiency
Research has proven vision therapy to be the most effective treatment for convergence insufficiency, a common visual disorder that is most often developed in childhood. Through vision therapy, patients are able to develop efficient vision skills and improve their ability to read, write and do other near work.
Amblyopia, Diplopia and Strabismus
Vision therapy has been found to be much more effective in treating amblyopia (lazy eye), diplopia (double vision) and strabismus (crossed/wandering eyes) than eye surgery, glasses or patching. In patients with these disorders, vision therapy aims to develop neural pathways to improve the eye-brain connection and enhance visual skills such as eye teaming and depth perception.
Learning-related Vision Problems
Early detection of vision problems, along with appropriate lenses and a vision therapy plan, can avoid misdiagnoses of learning disabilities or ADHD in children who lack the visual skills to read, write and otherwise learn effectively. These misdiagnoses are very common, with research by the American Foundation for Vision Awareness estimating that 60 percent of children with learning problems are actually suffering from a vision disorder. Vision therapy can help by improving convergence, hand-eye coordination, the ability to focus and eye movement skills.
Poor Binocular Coordination
When binocular coordination is not fully developed, it can cause partial to complete loss of depth perception. Vision therapy has been found effective in enhancing binocular coordination by establishing the neural circuitry necessary for the brain to integrate the information coming into the two eyes. In other words, vision therapy teaches the eyes to work together as a team. Visual-motor integration, tracking and convergence skills are also addressed during vision therapy.
Stress-Related Vision Problems
Vision therapy is effective in reducing or eliminating the visual stresses associated with reading, computers and smartphone usage. These stresses affect both children and adults, who may suffer from blurred vision, eyestrain and headaches.
Visual Rehabilitation
Optometric vision therapy is effective when used as part of a visual rehabilitation plan to correct or compensate for visual problems resulting from trauma to the nervous system, stroke or neurological disorders.
Sports Vision Improvement
Vision therapy has been shown to provide measurable improvements in hand-eye coordination, visual reaction time, peripheral vision, eye focusing and eye tracking – important visual skills for athletes.