I laughed really hard one day because I had to yell, “Oscar, put down your book — it’s time to do vision therapy!” I guess that was the best evidence of all that vision therapy was working! Today he reads ALL the time for pleasure and is one of the most confident readers in his class.
The goal of vision therapy is to treat vision disorders by building new neural pathways and improving the eye-brain connection. Each vision therapy plan is customized to meet the precise needs of the patient – whether they need to develop or enhance their visual skills, resolve vision-related symptoms or change how they process and interpret information.
A Typical Plan
Typically, vision therapy consists of a combination of regular, 45-minute in-office sessions combined with 20 minutes a day of at-home therapy. At Northampton Vision Specialists, the in-office sessions take place in our state-of-the-art vision therapy suite, which utilizes a wide variety of equipment and activities to treat patients, such as:
- Prisms, filters and lenses
- Computer programs
- Vestibular (balance) equipment
- Visual-motor-sensory integration training devices
Patients are re-evaluated every three months to assess how their visual skills are developing, with vision therapy continuing until their visual skills are both automatic and well integrated with other visual and cognitive skills. Along the way, treatment plans may be adjusted to meet each patient’s changing needs.